some scientists got together for horchata and Settlers of Catan. in the middle of the game, they derailed into doing some math problems (gotta have their symbolic logic fix, am I right?) until they got around to configuring any of a variety of mathematical inequalities... asserting a fundamental limit to the precision with which certain pairs of physical properties of a particle-- known as complementary variables-- can be known simultaneously. they were at heisenberg's house again (ugh). "whatever," said heisenberg, "I don't even want to finish the game" and hurtled his six remaining sheep cards onto the board, thus scattering Kennard's robust paths and knocking Wey out of jail free (Wey's way out there sometimes). "But pal..." started werner, "Let's settle this. Listen. The more precisely the position of some particle is determined to be a bagel... the less precisely its ability to be text can be known, and vice versa." They all went to get bagels. The end.

the probability chart

text or bagel text or bagel text or bagel
the bagels were not public access or at least i didn’t ask i saw a distant family friend but felt uncomfortable
his sister’s kid pulled off a mannequin’s arm
“nice pool dress” so i left girl takes pic I feel sick
in stairway of stairway in 15 minutes i will ask about the bagels
or vomit i would benefit so much
to be able to vom on command
or laugh or cry or sing